Balance runs two Day Centres in the Wandsworth Borough, and a community garden project in the middle of historic Home Park in the Richmond Borough to support our clients' independence
Balance supports clients living in SW London to be empowered to live independently. This is done through supported living in shared homes, and by connecting clients with their local communities
Balance supports people to achieve their professional goals and aspirations, helping them to engage into volunteering experiences, training and education, work experiences and paid employment
Three of our primary values - Independence, Empowerment and Partnership are central to our work promoting the visiability and participation of people with a learning disability, complex care needs or enduring mental health challenges.
£9 of every £10 you give will going directly to funding client facing services
We are a values based recruiter with a set of six value central to how we recruit, support and develop our staff. Read our latest blog in response to unisons recent research on the experience of workers recruitied overseas into the social care sector
Balance is a charity based in South West London. We have more than ten years experience providing employment and support services to a range of disabled and vulnerable people.
Balance’s mission is to become a sustainable deliverer of high quality support to enable adults with learning disabilities to become less reliant on services and reach their potential.
Our Charity provides a range of services currently that include:
- Support Work & Mental Health service for people with mental health needs.
-Supported Living in the community & Supported
- Housing for Adults with Learning Disabilities
With all of us working together, we can accomplish great things. To volunteer or contribute to our Charity send us a message. We will get back to you soon.
Guildhall 2, High Street, Kingston-upon-Thames, KT1 1EU
Tel: 0203 740 2315
Charity Number: 1190859